Since its creation, Bolsa Família has been an essential program in the fight against poverty and inequality in Brazil. Aimed at guaranteeing access to food, education and health for families in situations of vulnerability, the program is an important instrument of social assistance in the country. However, a common question that arises is whether people who work with a formal contract can receive Bolsa Família.
What is Bolsa Família?
Bolsa Família is a cash transfer program that was implemented by the Brazilian government in 2003, during the administration of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. It represents one of the most significant initiatives in the field of social assistance in Brazil, and is internationally recognized as a successful example of public policies aimed at reducing poverty and inequality.
Objectives of Bolsa Família
The main objective of Bolsa Família is to promote access to food, education and health for families living in extreme poverty. Through the direct transfer of income, the program seeks to guarantee a minimum of dignity and opportunities for those who need it most, thus contributing to improving living conditions and promoting social inclusion.
How the program works
Bolsa Família works in a simple and effective way. Families that fit the criteria established by the program are registered in the Federal Government's Single Registry for Social Programs (CadÚnico), where information is recorded about their family composition, income, schooling, among other aspects.
Based on this information, the amount of benefit to be received by each family is calculated. This amount varies according to family composition, per capita income and other specific characteristics of each case. Beneficiary families receive a magnetic card, similar to a debit card, through which they can withdraw the amount of the benefit at Caixa Econômica Federal ATMs or make purchases at partner establishments.

In addition to transferring income, Bolsa Família also establishes conditionalities for remaining in the program. This means that beneficiary families must fulfill certain obligations, such as keeping children and teenagers enrolled in school and attending at least 85%, ensuring that the children's vaccination schedule is followed and carrying out prenatal care in the case of pregnant women.
Impact of Bolsa Família
Since its implementation, Bolsa Família has been fundamental in reducing poverty and inequality in Brazil. Studies and academic research have shown that the program has contributed to improving the living conditions of beneficiary families, with positive impacts on food, health, education and access to basic services.
In addition, Bolsa Família plays an important role in the economy, as the money transferred to the poorest families is often used to buy food and basic necessities, which helps to boost local commerce and stimulate economic development in the country's poorest regions.
Who can receive Bolsa Família?
Bolsa Família is aimed at families living in extreme poverty, with the aim of promoting social inclusion and reducing inequalities in Brazil. To become a beneficiary of the program, it is necessary to meet a series of criteria established by the federal government.
Family Income
Family income is one of the main criteria used to determine a family's eligibility for social assistance programs such as Bolsa Família. It refers to the sum of the income received by all the members of a family, whether from formal or informal work, pensions, social benefits, rents, among others.
In the context of Bolsa Família, family income is a fundamental indicator for identifying families in situations of extreme poverty or poverty, who are the program's target audience. The value of per capita income, i.e. the total income of the family divided by the number of people in it, is used as a reference to determine whether a family fits the criteria established by the program.
The Bolsa Família income criteria are defined on the basis of poverty lines established by the government, which take into account the cost of living and the basic needs of families. Currently, to qualify for extreme poverty, a family's monthly income per person must be up to R$ 89.00. To qualify for poverty, the monthly income per person must be between R$ 89.01 and R$ 178.00.
Single Registry
The Federal Government's Single Registry for Social Programs (CadÚnico) is a fundamental tool for identifying and registering socio-economic information on low-income families in Brazil. It is a registration system that gathers data on individuals and families in situations of socioeconomic vulnerability, enabling access to various social programs offered by the federal, state and municipal governments.
CadÚnico is coordinated by the Ministry of Citizenship, in partnership with the states, municipalities and the Federal District. It is used as an instrument for managing, planning and implementing public policies aimed at promoting social inclusion and reducing inequalities in the country.
The information recorded in CadÚnico includes personal and family data, such as name, age, schooling, income, housing, among others. This data is collected through interviews carried out by community agents, social workers or other trained professionals, who visit families to register them.
After registration, the information is entered into the CadÚnico system and is available for consultation by the different levels of government responsible for implementing and managing social programs.
School Information
School information is an important component of the Federal Government's Single Registry for Social Programs (CadÚnico) and is also conditional for participation in programs such as Bolsa Família. This information is crucial for ensuring that children and adolescents have access to education and stay in school, which is fundamental for breaking the cycle of poverty and promoting human development.
- Promoting Education: School information aims to ensure that children and adolescents are regularly enrolled in educational institutions, guaranteeing them access to basic education, a fundamental right guaranteed by the Brazilian Constitution. In addition, school attendance is essential for children's cognitive, social and emotional development, preparing them for the future.
- Breaking the Cycle of Poverty: Education plays a crucial role in breaking the cycle of poverty, offering children and adolescents opportunities to improve their living conditions and achieve a more promising future. By encouraging school attendance, social programs such as Bolsa Família help the most vulnerable families to invest in their children's human capital, enabling them to face future challenges.
- Combating Child Labor: Ensuring that children and adolescents are in school also helps to combat child labor, as it offers a positive and constructive alternative to early work. By encouraging education, social programs help children to develop their skills and potential, preparing them for a more productive and satisfying adult life.
Health-related information is another essential component of the Federal Government's Single Registry for Social Programs (CadÚnico) and is also conditional for participation in programs such as Bolsa Família. This information is fundamental to ensuring that families in situations of vulnerability have access to basic health services and can take proper care of their health and well-being.
- Access to Health Services: Health information aims to ensure that families in situations of vulnerability have access to basic health services, such as medical appointments, tests, vaccinations, prenatal care, among others. Access to these services is fundamental to preventing illness, promoting health and ensuring the well-being of families.
- Disease prevention: Monitoring the health of families makes it possible to identify health problems early on and prevent diseases. For example, monitoring children's vaccination schedules helps prevent contagious diseases, while proper prenatal care reduces the risks for mother and baby during pregnancy and childbirth.
- Quality of Life: Access to basic health services is essential to guaranteeing a good quality of life for families in situations of vulnerability. Taking care of health allows people to fully enjoy their lives, carry out their daily activities and reach their full potential.
Register update
It is important that families keep their information up to date in the Unified Registry, as any change in family composition, income or other relevant information can have an impact on receiving the benefit.
Can people who work with a formal contract receive Bolsa Família?
The question of whether or not people who have a formal job can receive Bolsa Família is a common doubt among many people. The answer is yes, it is possible for those who work with a formal contract to receive Bolsa Família, as long as their family income meets the criteria established by the program.
Bolsa Família is mainly aimed at families in situations of extreme poverty or poverty, regardless of the type of occupation of the family members. This means that even if one or more family members have a formal job, as long as the family's total income does not exceed the limits set by the program, they may be eligible to receive the benefit.
For example, if a family has one or more employed members, but the total income per person still meets the income criteria established by Bolsa Família, they can receive the benefit to supplement their income and guarantee access to basic services such as food, education and health.
It is important to note that Bolsa Família is a conditional cash transfer program, which means that in addition to meeting the income criteria, beneficiary families must also meet other conditionalities, such as keeping children in school and with a minimum attendance of 85%, ensuring that the vaccination schedule is followed and carrying out prenatal care in the case of pregnant women.
Therefore, those who work with a formal contract are not automatically excluded from Bolsa Família, as long as the family's total income still meets the program's eligibility criteria. The aim of Bolsa Família is to guarantee access to basic rights for all vulnerable families, regardless of their occupation or source of income.
Are people who earn the minimum wage entitled to Bolsa Família?
Yes, people who receive a minimum wage may be entitled to receive Bolsa Família, as long as the family's total income meets the criteria established by the program. Bolsa Família is aimed at families in situations of extreme poverty or poverty, regardless of the amount of the minimum wage received by any of the family members.

The Bolsa Família eligibility criteria take into account the family's total income per person, which must be up to R$ 89.00 to qualify for extreme poverty, or between R$ 89.01 and R$ 178.00 to qualify for poverty. These amounts are periodically updated by the government in line with inflation and other economic factors.
Therefore, even if one of the family members receives a minimum wage, if the total income per person in the family is still within the limits set by the program, the family may be eligible to receive Bolsa Família.
It is important to note that Bolsa Família is a conditional cash transfer program, which means that in addition to meeting the income criteria, beneficiary families must also meet other conditionalities, such as keeping children in school and with a minimum attendance of 85%, ensuring that the vaccination schedule is followed and carrying out prenatal care in the case of pregnant women.
Promoting social inclusion in Brazil
Bolsa Família plays a crucial role in reducing poverty and promoting social inclusion in Brazil. It is aimed at families in situations of extreme poverty or poverty, regardless of the type of work they do.
Therefore, anyone who works with a formal contract can receive Bolsa Família, as long as they meet the criteria established by the program. It is important that families are registered with CadÚnico and keep their information up to date in order to guarantee access to this important social benefit.
March 30th, 2024

She has a degree in Languages - Portuguese/English, and is the creator of the Escritora de Sucesso website. As a writer, she seeks to expand everyone's knowledge with relevant information on various subjects. At SoMuchToSayToday, she brings news and content ranging from entertainment to the country's economic situation.