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Stock Exchange: How it works, What it is, Chart

You may have heard of the stock market, but perhaps you don't have a complete understanding of what it is and how it works. In this article, we'll explore in detail the concept of the stock exchange, how it works, and how to interpret charts to understand the stock market. What is a stock exchange? A stock exchange is an organized and regulated market where various types of financial assets are traded, such as company shares, debt securities (such as government bonds and debentures), commodities (such as gold, oil and grains) and derivatives (such as options and contracts ... Read more


How do I file my income tax return for the first time?

Filing your income tax return for the first time can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. With a little guidance and basic knowledge, you can easily navigate the process and ensure that your declaration is done correctly. How do I file my income tax return for the first time? Filing an income tax return for the first time can be an important step in many people's financial lives. For some, it can be an intimidating and confusing experience, while for others, it can be a milestone of financial independence and responsibility. Regardless of how you feel ... Read more


How to calculate compound interest? Understand the math

Compound interest is one of the most powerful tools in the world of finance. Understanding how to calculate and apply compound interest can not only help you manage your personal finances, but also make more informed financial decisions in your life. What is compound interest? Compound interest is a fundamental concept in the world of finance and represents one of the most powerful ways of growing capital over time. In essence, compound interest refers to interest on interest, i.e. the earnings generated by an investment are reinvested and, in turn, generate further earnings. Mechanism ... Read more


MEI and income tax: What you need to know about micro-entrepreneurship

Individual Microentrepreneurs (MEIs) have become an essential part of the Brazilian economic landscape, providing an opportunity for individuals to launch their own businesses with less bureaucracy and reduced costs. However, even with the benefits offered by the MEI regime, many entrepreneurs still have doubts about how to deal with their tax obligations, especially with regard to Income Tax. What is an MEI? The Individual Microentrepreneur is a legal entity created in Brazil in 2008, by Complementary Law 128/2008, with the aim of formalizing small entrepreneurs and self-employed workers. This ... Read more


What causes inflation? Learn more about this factor

Inflation is a complex economic phenomenon that affects countries and individuals all over the world. It is a measure of the general increase in the prices of goods and services in an economy over time. When prices rise, each unit of currency buys less than it used to, which reduces purchasing power. Understanding the causes of inflation is essential for economic policymakers, companies and consumers, as it allows them to implement strategies to mitigate its negative effects. What causes inflation? Inflation is an economic phenomenon that arouses interest and concern among economists, ... Read more


Which shares pay the highest dividends?

Investing in dividend-paying stocks is a popular strategy among many investors, as it offers a way of generating passive income while remaining exposed to the growth potential of the stock market. Dividends are regular payments made by companies to shareholders as a share of distributed profits. What are dividends? Dividends are a portion of a company's profits that are distributed to its shareholders as a way of rewarding them for their investment in the company. When a company makes a profit, it can choose to reinvest this money in the business to finance future growth or distribute it to ... Read more


What are low-risk investments? See profitable options

Investing money is a wise strategy for anyone who wants to build wealth, ensure financial stability and achieve long-term goals. However, many people are apprehensive about the risks involved in investing, especially in unstable economic scenarios. Fortunately, there are low-risk investment options that offer solid and consistent returns over time. Understanding the concept of risk Before we dive into low-risk investment options, it's important to understand what "risk" means in the financial context. In simple terms, the risk of an investment refers to the possibility of losing money or not achieving the returns ... Read more


How much do 100 Petrobras shares yield per month?

If you're thinking of investing in the stock market, it's natural to wonder how much money you could make from a particular investment. One of Brazil's best-known companies, Petrobras, often arouses interest among investors, but exactly how much do its shares yield in a month? Let's take a closer look. Introduction to Investing in Petrobras Shares Petrobras, formally known as Petróleo Brasileiro S.A., was founded in 1953 by the Brazilian government and is one of the largest energy companies in the world. The company has a significant presence in all areas of the energy industry, including exploration, production, refining, ... Read more


Rent Adjustment: How much is allowed by law?

Rent adjustments are a topic that frequently raises questions for both landlords and tenants. In a volatile economic scenario such as the one we live in, understanding the legal limits for this type of adjustment is essential to avoid conflicts and ensure a healthy relationship between the parties involved. Understanding rent adjustments Understanding rent adjustments goes beyond simply knowing the legal mechanisms and monetary adjustment indices used. It also involves understanding the economic and real estate context that directly influences this process. Let's delve deeper into this topic for a more complete understanding. Economic and ... Read more
